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500Cosmetics Fertile scores 3.8 out of 5, based on 57 reviews in our 500Cosmetics Fertile forum.

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500Cosmetics Fertile Reviews

Note: only postings with reviews are displayed in this 500Cosmetics Fertile forum.

Author: Adam from Quincy

I've noticed some sex drive increase, but for the most part it hasn't produced a better orgasm or more volume. If anything I don't know if it's doing anything for me.

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Author: FreddyKL from 500Cosmetics Fertile forum

I was hesitant to try 500Cosmetics Fertile Pills as I thought they wouldn't work, but goodness I was wrong. These pills have helped me keep weight off, and it has also helped me increase my sex drive. 500 Cosmetics has other great products as well that I would highly recommend. Such as their virility pills.

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Author: Lori Beth from Virginia

My husband has been taking these fertility pills by 500 Cosmetics for a while, and it has helped his libido, but it soon went back to the usual. I'm going to have him take a break for a few weeks and see if it's the pills or maybe something else causing it. I gave 3 stars as it works for a bit.

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Author: Brenden from 500Cosmetics Fertile forum

500 Cosmetics Fertile pills have helped me quite a bit. My sex drive has gone up considerably. The only downside I can think of, is that it took a little while to start to take effect on me.

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Author: Anton from Georgia

My wife and I have been trying for a kid for quite some time now. I've been trying the Fertile Pills and so far nothing has really changed. I'm hoping next month she will be pregnant. We'll continue to try, but I'm losing hope.

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Author: DM from 500Cosmetics Fertile forum

Do I need a doctor's prescription to buy these 500Cosmetics fertility pills?

Author: Trent from 500Cosmetics Fertile forum

I didn't need a prescription or anything when I purchased my bottle. I have yet to get it, but will gladly be back once I test it out a while.

Author: Anonymous from 500Cosmetics Fertile forum

It is not a prescription medication but a dietary supplement. You do not need any medical prescription to purchase these pills.

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Author: Dexter from Arkansas

My semen hasn't increased in volume since I tried these fertile pills from 500 cosmetics. I've been on them a week and no changes yet. Should I just be more patient with them? That's why I've yet to put an official review, as I want to give these more time to prove me wrong.

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Author: Anonymous from Wisconsin

So far I'm mostly pleased with the results. Had some problems the first week, but gradually things started to get a lot more fun.

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Author: Brock1293 from Detroit

The pills I got had a weird taste to them, but other than that, these worked wonders for me. My wife was happy with how long I've been lasting.

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Author: Anon from Anon

Fertility has been a problem most of my adult life. My sex drive is there, it's just my semen isn't fertile enough to get my wife pregnant. We've been trying for a while now, and it's been tough. I'm thinking of giving this pill a try from 500Cosmetics.

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Author: Terry from 500Cosmetics Fertile forum

Sex drive increased - Check Bigger orgasm - Check Lasting longer in bed - Check This pill has been a true life saver. I never would have thought these pills could save my relationship with my girlfriend.

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Author: StevenS from Marquette

My wife and I have been trying for a child for the past 2 years now. We've tried doctors, they can't find problems. So, I decided to give 500Cosmetics Fertile pills a try, and after a month, nothing has changed. The sex feels the same for both of us, so no change there. I got the 3 month supply, so I'll stick it out until then and see if anything changes.

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Author: Zachary from NY

So it's a dietary supplement that gives you more volume and better sex driver? Can't say I've ever heard of that, but I am interested now.

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Author: Stacey from North Dakota

My husband and I have been having a little bit of trouble in the bedroom, and we needed to try something. I checked out 500 Cosmetics fertile pills and ordered a pack. I didn't tell my husband, but he was happy to try them when I showed him. So far I am pleased to say, they work like a charm. He is feeling great, and he's more interested in sex as of late. I can't complain! :D

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Author: Randy Howser from Boston

I noticed things have gotten better in the bedroom because of 500Cosmetics Fertile pills, but I don't feel like there's much of a difference otherwise. Waiting on the effects a bit longer until I make another judgement. So far I'm 50/50 on it.

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